Внизу под изображением слева: Painted by John Singleton Copley, R.A. Elect; cправа: Engrav'd by V. Green, Mezzotinto Engraver to his Majesty, & to the Elector Palatine; чуть ниже в два столбца: A YOUTH RESCUED FROM A SHARK, This Representation is founded on the following Fact: a Youth bathing in the Harbour of the Havannah, was twice seized by a Shark, from which, (though with the Loss of the Fresh & Foot, torn from the Right Leg), He disentangled himself & was by the assistance of a Boat's Crew, sav'd from the Jaws of the voracious Animal: for in the Moment it, was attempting to seize it's Prey, (a third Time), a Sailor with a Boat Hook, drove it from it's Pursuit.| JEUNE HOMME sauvé de l'attaque d'une REQUIEN. Le Sujet de se Tableau est pris d'un Fait averé: Un Jeune Homme se baignantau Port de la Havanne, fut poursuivi, et saisi à deux reprises, par un Requien, qui lui arracha la chair et le Pied de la Jambe droite: Il sen degagea cependant, et fit effort pour se sauver, mais le Poisson renouvellant l'attaque, se retournoit de ja pour le saisirmeurtrierement lors qu'un equipage de Chaloupe d'un Vaisseau à la rade, le sauva de la gueule de cet Animal vorace. Un Marin armé d'un Croc, l'enfonça dans le Corps du Poisson et le força de séloigner de sa Proyë.
У края оттиска: Engraved from the Original Picture, in the Possession of Brook Watson, Esq.r to whom this Plate is most respectfully Insribed, by his most Obliged, & obidient Serv.t, V. Green. Published May 31st 1779 by V. Green № 29, Newman Street Oxford Street. Sold by J. Brydon, Printseller, № 7, opposite Northumberland House, Charing Cross. Se vend a Londres, chez les Freres, Marchands d'Estampes.